Biblically Responsible & Faith-based Investing
For clients of faith, who are pro-life and pro-family and who want to invest in companies that have similar moral ideals, I am pleased to provide biblically and morally responsible investing options.
What is Biblically Responsible Investing?
Biblically responsible investing is making the choice to invest only in funds that screen out morally objectionable companies. These are often faith-based funds (Christian, Catholic, Evangelical, etc.) that specifically exclude companies who engage in or support: abortion, embryonic stem cell research, the production or distribution of pornography, or any other anti-family values.
Is Biblically Responsible Investing the Same as Socially Responsible Investing?
Socially responsible investing targets investment decisions based on an agenda that could exclude companies involved in alcohol or nuclear power. Or, the funds objectives may exclude investing in industries that are not environmentally sustainable, for example. Biblically responsible and morally responsible investing is a subset of socially responsible investing with the objective of supporting certain faith-based beliefs.
The Best Faith-Based Funds
To choose the best faith-based funds I work with mutual fund companies that specialize in biblical based investing. For clients with different, or more unique, requirements, I have software that allows us to screen any fund for moral violations.
You Can Honor Your Faith and Make Money
Often, clients are concerned that they will be sacrificing performance to honor their faith. A question I hear often is, “do faith-based funds perform as well as non-faith-based funds?” Like with all investments, you need to carefully read the prospectus or summary prospectus and carefully consider the investment objectives, risks, charges, and expenses.
Learn More About Biblically Responsible, Morally Responsible & Faith-based Investing
To learn more about biblically responsible, morally responsible or faith-based investing or to find out how your investments stand up to your beliefs call me today at (719) 235-5028 or in Denver (303) 748-6352.